Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to Eliminate Wrong Answer in Verbal Section

One of the most useful skills you can master for any standardized test is Process of Elimination (POE). For every question on the GMAT, there are five answers, but only one of them is deemed “best” by GMAC. (But ’best’ is rat her subjective, especially when it comes to GMAC and verbal questions.) Often the easiest way to identify the right answer is to find all the wrong answers and eliminate them.

POE is very useful in verbal because often the best answer isn’t all that great. While the credited response might suck, there isn’t anything in it that makes it wrong. There’s nothing in it you can point to and say this is wrong. Focus your energy on getting rid of the answers that you know are wrong. We’ll go over the individual problems that wrong answers are most likely to have in the appropriate topics and lessons. And remember; use your erasable note-board for POE. Since you can’t cross off the wrong answers on the screen, write “ABCDE” on your note-board and cross off choices as you eliminate them.
GMAT Verbal section

One of the keys to successful POE is to avoid creating stuff. A great many of the wrong answers in the verbal section, especially in critical reasoning, are tempting only if you work to connect the answer to the question. As soon as you start working to justify an answer choice, or start telling some story to connect an answer back to the question or the argument, you’re almost certainly dealing with a wrong answer.

The right answer doesn’t need any help from you to be right; it is supported by the information in the passage or argument or question Ultimately, even the verbal part of the GMAT is objective. Objective? Well, maybe not exactly. But the fact is that there are definite reasons why every right Answer is right and every wrong answer is wrong.
How to eliminate wrong answer

The key to success on the verbal section of the test is figuring out what rules GMAC uses to determine the right and wrong answers. Focus on why GMAC thinks answers are wrong, and the verbal section will become a breeze.

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